Friday, September 25, 2009


Top 10 Reasons Why I'd Like to Purchase a Goat:

10. I could name him Billy or Beowulf 
9. Billy/Beowulf would graze on grass and I'd never have to mow the lawn
8. A pet goat is far more original than a cat or dog
7. Imagine the scenario of walking a goat around the neighborhood
6. I would walk outside in the morning to find a goat basking in the sun, and he would be mine
5. Cheese.
4. Milk.
3. I could participate in goat races
2. I could eventually invest in a pot-belly pig and they would be mismatched friends
1. 'Baaaaaaa'  -  direct quote

In other news, I tried to attend another class yesterday but the teacher never showed up.  This turned out to be a small victory, however, as I ended up having a cup of free coffee and talking for a few hours with friends about some big ideas.  I love these types of conversations, the ones where you learn so much about each other by hearing opinions and perspectives.  Often times I find myself surprised, and thats a feeling I truly enjoy, realizing there is always so much more to a person than you may originally pick up on.  The intake of caffeine can make it a bit interesting, your words diving out of your mouth like a baseball player going for a big catch, trying so hard to capture your thoughts.  Same goes for talks after a few belgian brews, except rather than an athlete, words can be likened more to a first time unicycle rider. 
Last night was a free concert in the Oude Market, a welcome back for students.  I saw two bands, the second of which was the Wax Dolls.  I'm getting into Belgian electronica cool am I, right?  No but seriously they're great.  It's safe to say I rocked out.  After buying two stellas from the stand on the stairs where I perched myself for the shows, and one more at de Rector, I am now down to 20 euro cents.  Therefore, today's adventure will be a free bike ride to the countryside.  On a scale of 1 - 10, how unethical would it be to thieve a goat?

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